A supply chain perspective is really a different way of thinking about your business. More like a complex engine with lots of moving parts. However, those parts need to operate in harmony and synchronized in a very efficient way. The following tips will help you obtain those efficiencies and it does not even require much capital. It just takes the right attitude.
- Centralize planning of entire supply chain.
- Develop supply chain policies that align with the business strategy.
- Use models to test the impact of expected demand on the supply chain's ability to respond. Plan further out in time so you have more time to prepare and react to potential changes in demand.
- Implement functional metrics that drive better business performance instead of just functional performance.
- Plan and prepare for supply chain problems as much as normal execution.
- Prioritize projects that improve efficiencies in the supply chain by focusing on lowering inventories without increasing risk. Understand what is acceptable risk and how to build that into your planning.
- Standardize supply chain procedures that institutionalize the supply chain policies.
If you would like to learn more about these tips or want help implementing them in your company, please contact us at Supply Chain Systems, Inc